Showing 126 - 150 of 170 Results
The Modern Housewife: Or, Ménagère: Comprising Nearly One Thousand Receipts, for the Economi... by Alexis Soyer, American Hous... ISBN: 9780342691418 List Price: $27.95
Soyer's Culinary Campaign: Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War: With the Plain Ar... by Alexis Soyer, Henry George ... ISBN: 9780342784110 List Price: $31.95
Soyer's Culinary Campaign: Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War: With the Plain Ar... by Alexis Soyer, Henry George ... ISBN: 9780342784103 List Price: $22.95
Soyer's Charitable Cookery by Alexis Benoit Soyer ISBN: 9780343474669 List Price: $10.95
Soyer's Charitable Cookery by Alexis Benoit Soyer ISBN: 9780343474676 List Price: $21.95
A Shilling Cookery for the People: Embracing an Entirely New System of Plain Cookery and Dom... by Soyer Alexis 1809-1858 ISBN: 9780353427693 List Price: $24.95
A Shilling Cookery for the People: Embracing an Entirely New System of Plain Cookery and Dom... by Soyer Alexis 1809-1858 ISBN: 9780353427709 List Price: $41.95
Soyer's Charitable Cookery by Alexis Benoit Soyer ISBN: 9780353509153 List Price: $36.95
Soyer's Culinary Campaign : Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War: with the Plain A... by Soyer, Alexis, Hine, Henry ... ISBN: 9781017049381 List Price: $25.95
Soyer's Culinary Campaign : Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War: with the Plain A... by Soyer, Alexis, Hine, Henry ... ISBN: 9781017043570 List Price: $35.95
Memoirs of Alexis Soyer : With Unpublished Receipts and Odds and Ends of Gastronomy by Soyer, Alexis 1809-1858, Vo... ISBN: 9781015294943 List Price: $19.95
Modern Housewife : Or, M�nag�re: Comprising Nearly One Thousand Receipts, for the Economic a... by Soyer, Alexis, Housekeeper,... ISBN: 9780342691401 List Price: $17.95
Relish: The Extraordinary Life of Alexis Soyer, Victorian Celebrity Chef by Ruth Cowen ISBN: 9781474609425 List Price: $15.99
Classic French Cuisine : The Gastronomic Regenerator by Soyer, Alexis ISBN: 9781540321800 List Price: $39.99
Soyer's Culinary Campaign: Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War (Classic Reprint) by Soyer, Alexis, Alexis Soyer ISBN: 9781334124853 List Price: $19.57
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